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BSc (Hons) Business Computing – Clínica Total Cardio – Clínica de Cardiologia skip to Main Content
(43) 3064-2599 clinicatotalcardio@gmail.com Rua Professor João Cândido, 1455 - Londrina - PR (Como chegar)

BSc (Hons) Business Computing

Business computing is the study and application of computer technology in the commercial environment. It integrates aspects of computing with subjects such as accounting, marketing, information systems, and business strategy to allow individuals to make use of computer technology to implement organizational solutions.

In a world that is increasingly dependent on computers for information distribution and analysis, businesses need people who know how to build robust, reliable and user-friendly systems to drive organizational solutions. Our BSc Business Computing degree gives you the abilities and knowledge you require to succeed in an ever-changing business. Guest lecturers from companies will share their experiences with you.

You will also acquire the more general skills employers seek in IT professionals that range from leadership and teamwork to management and problem-solving. The degree provides you with the foundation for software development, programming web design, databases as well as information systems. You can also choose to focus on data analytics, advanced computer science, or marketing.

The course will provide you with a solid understanding of Windows and its applications software, including Word 2002 for Windows word processing, spreadsheets databases management systems, graphic presentation software, and the Internet. In addition it will provide you with information about computer security and e-commerce issues.

Typically, teaching is through lectures and seminars, with many getboardroom.net/logitech-g203-software-review modules including laboratory-based computer exercises. You’ll also be expected to undertake independent study and research both at home and at the university.

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